Read About the Tools

All the features described can be saved to your library of custom exercises, with the number of save slots determined by your plan.

If you'd rather just try them out than read, check out the demo versions. Demo versions have full functionality except saving but are limited to a few pitch/interval/chord options.

Functional Melodies

Build an integrated mental model and master playing what you hear.

The Functional Melody trainer is our flag-ship application. In our opinion, this is the most productive type of ear training and is also the best way to learn to play what you hear. You play back melodies using either buttons representing scale degrees or a piano keyboard. Advanced customization options include weighting the probability of specific pitches, and filtering keys and intervals.

By answering via the keyboard or MIDI we can build our mental map of scales and keys at the same time, and key filters allow limiting the possible keys so you can gradually work up to all keys or target hard ones specifically.

Aural key announcements and MIDI input (including pedal controls) allow you to practice hyper-efficiently, without even looking at the screen. And for the wind players... yes, we have a global transpose setting!

The app also supports a variety of audio feedback and auto-advance options, enabling many difficulties. You can have it wait until you find the right note, or advance on any mistake, or even simulate a dictation test with no audio feedback at all. You can also send MIDI output to an external synth or DAW to replace the built-in piano samples.

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Interval Recognition

Get your interval recognition down to instantaneous.

Our interval recognition tool is a classic interval tool with rocket boosters. Custom probability weighting lets you create exercises where the problem intervals appear more frequently. This is far more productive for honing in on the specific intervals giving you trouble. Answering with a keyboard helps you work more quickly and drills your harmonic knowledge in all keys at the same time. As with the functional melody trainer, the tool includes advanced filters and constraints, and can be used without any mousing or looking at the screen. And the built-in timer lets you know how fast you're getting through your sets.

We believe this is the fastest and most effective interval method available, enabling far more repetitions per minute than standard apps.

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Chord Recognition

Learn to recognize triads, seventh chords, and jazz 9th chords instantly.

Similar in functionality to the interval trainer, the chord recognition tools cover simple triads through to advanced jazz chords not found in standard ear training apps with up to 20 different 9th chords. Just like the others, you can answer with buttons or the keyboard, enabling you to drill your knowledge of chords and voicings while you ear train. Chords can be played harmonically or as arpeggios, and you can replay a harmonic chord arpeggiated if you are having trouble isolating the voices. All the usual filters, constraints, timers, and controls apply.

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