Try Out The Tools

The free versions of the SMT training tools include all functionality except saving, and have a limited number of answers enabled. Intervals and pitches are limited to diatonic major, and chords to minor, major, and dominant. If you have not yet mastered those, these will be a great workout and will be enough for you to see real progress and experience the benefit of serious ear training. When you're ready to tackle more chords and intervals, join the site for full access.

IMPORTANT: Because we rely on WebAudio, WebMIDI, and WebAssembly to build advanced tools with a tiny team, SMT officially supports recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge on desktop Mac, Windows, and Linux only. Mobile browsers are not supported. Try out the demos to ensure they run on your system.

If you are on a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge and have problems or find a bug, please let us know!

Try The Tools